Phd in Computer Science / parallel computing

Short Presentation

Frédérique Voisin-DemeryMy name is Frédérique Voisin-Demery. I was born in Limoges and I received my DEA in Applied Math – Parallel Computation from the Joseph Fourier University in 1996. I received my PhD in computer science from University Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) in July 2001. I was working under supervision of Guy-René Perrin at the LSIIT, in the ICPS team.


Keywords : Data Parallelism – Sparse Matrices – Applications

You can download my PhD report about « Software tools study for parallelization and transformation of programs in numerical computation applications » : Postscript+gz, 128 pages, 960Ko (in french), or read the abstract : Postscript, 1p, 17Ko, or PDF, 1p, 6Ko (in french and english).


  • Sparse Computation with Pei, Frédérique Voisin, Guy-René Perrin, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science Vol.10 No 14 (1999) 425-442
    It is a longer version of Sparse Computation with Pei, Frédérique Voisin, Guy-René Perrin, 6th International Workshop on Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel, San Juan, Puerto Rico, April 16, 1999, Proceedings of 11 IPPS/SPDP’99 Workshops, LNCS 1586, Springer-Verlag, 1999Abstract : Pei is a formalism which allows to express data-parallel programs : datas are mapped onto a geometrical domain and functions applied on the domain leads to data-parallel programs. We show that we can use this framework to obtain sparse formulations of dense programs.Download research report : Postscript+gz, 19 pages, 95 Ko or PDF, 19 pages, 412 Ko
  • Minimisation des communications dans une résolution distribuée des équations de Navier-Stokes,Frédérique Voisin-Demery, Renpar’10, Strasbourg, France, Juin 1998Abstract : Solving the Navier-Stokes equations using a special formulation of the variables yields to a coarse grain parallization of the resolution. But one resolution step implies data communications that should be minimized.Download research report: Postscript+gz, 7 pages, 59 Ko or PDF, 7 pages, 327 Ko (french)


Some links


Solving linear systems

  • Everything about iterative methods Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel, conjugate gradient, and even some parallellism comments.
  • Some slides I wrote about conjugate gradient methods (in french) (55 Ko, Postscript+gz). Ask me if you want the latex source file.